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Ellis S., Devore G. The Fifth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary report // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (202). pp. 1-21.
Clayton Fant J., Attanasio D. Bars with marble surfaces at Pompeii: evidence for sub-elite marble use // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (159). pp. 1-10.
Ellis S., Devore G. The Fourth season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary report // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (146). pp. 1-19.
Monteix N. Pompéi, recherches sur les boulangeries de l’Italie romaine // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (168). pp. 1-11.
Anniboletti L. Il sacello VIII 4, 24: un culto collegiale a Pompei // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (104). pp. 1-9.
Befani V. Progetto “Rileggere Pompei”. Lo scavo nel tratto meridionale del vicolo del Fauno // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (113). pp. 1-13.
Carroll M., Montana G., Randazzo L., Giarrusso R.Recovering evidence for the use of marble and coloured limestone in the first century AD in excavations at the sanctuary of Venus at Pompeii // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (119). pp. 1-13.
Ellis S., Devore G. The Third Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (112). pp. 1-15.
Flohr M. Cleaning the Laundries II. Report of the 2007 campaign // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (111). pp. 1-13.
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Giglio M. Nuove ricerche nell’insula 7 della regio IX a Pompei. Campagna di scavo 2007 // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (109). pp. 1-6.
Sorriento A. Vico del Fauno, Saggio 2 // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (105). pp. 1-6.
Anniboletti L. "Testimonianze preromane del culto domestico a Pompei: i compita vicinalia sulla facciata di abitazioni" // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (83). pp. 1-10.
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Coarelli F., Pesando F. "Pompei: Progetto Regio VI. Aggiornamento 2005" // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (54). pp. 1-5.
Ellis S., Devore G. "Towards an understanding of the shape of space at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: preliminary results from the 2006 season" // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (71). pp. 1-15.
Chavez R.F. "Regional Settlement Hierarchies and Central Places: a Case Study of Ancient Pompeii and Nuceria" // Diss., Indiana University, 2005.
Ellis S., Devore G. "New Excavations at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: A brief synthesis of results from the 2005 season" // FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research (48). pp. 1-15.
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